…..a script with a set of functions to allow me connect to each individual Office 365 service or Exchange Online: Connect-AzureActiveDirectory: Connects to Azure Active Directory Connect-AzureRMS: Connects to Azure Rights Management Connect-ExchangeOnline: Connects to Exchange Online Connect-SkypeOnline: Connects to Skype for Business Online Connect-EOP: Connects to Exchange Online Protection Connect-ComplianceCenter: Connects to Compliance Center Connect-SharePointOnline: Connects to SharePoint Online Connect-MSTeams: Connects to Microsoft Teams Get-Office365Credentials: Gets Office 365 credentials Connect-ExchangeOnPremises: Connects to Exchange On-Premises Get-OnPremisesCredentials: Gets On-Premises credentials Get-ExchangeOnPremisesFQDN: Gets FQDN for Exchange On-Premises Get-Office365Tenant: Gets Office 365 tenant name (SharePoint) Set-Office365Environment: Configures Uri’s and region to use…..
Schlagwort-Archive: powershell
How to add holidays to the Exchange calendar with PowerShell – 4sysops
- Create a new Mailbox
- Connect your outlook client to the mailbox
- import holidays from options or copy them from your calendar to the destination calendar
- Export the new calender on exchange with powershell to pst
- Import the pst file to each mailbox
Quelle: How to add holidays to the Exchange calendar with PowerShell – 4sysops
Konten im Active Directory entsperren oder aktivieren mit PowerShell | WindowsPro
Ein Tipp von meinem lieben Kollegen Rainer:
Search-ADAccount -LockedOut -UsersOnly -SearchBase „OU=IT,DC=contoso,DC=com“
Search-ADAccount -AccountExpired -UsersOnly
Search-ADAccount -AccountExpiring -TimeSpan „10“7
Unlock-ADAccount -Identity amueller
Set-ADAccountExpiration -DateTime 30.04.2017
Quelle: Konten im Active Directory entsperren oder aktivieren mit PowerShell | WindowsPro
Exchange PS auf irgend einem PC öffnen
import-module activedirectory
$s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -connectionuri http://SERVERNAME/powershell -Authentication kerberos
Import-PSSession $s -AllowClobber
Kalenderberechtigungen für eine Gruppe anzeigen
$groupmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Groupname
Foreach ($member in $groupmembers){
$user = get-aduser $member.samaccountname -Properties *
$sam = $member.samaccountname
$email = $user.EmailAddress
$name = $user.DisplayName
$right = Get-MailboxFolderPermission $email“:\Kalender“ -User Default -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select AccessRights
if ($right -eq $null){$right = Get-MailboxFolderPermission $email“:\Calendar“ -User Default -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select AccessRights}
if ($right -eq $null){$right = „nix“}else{$right = $right.AccessRights[0]}
$exserver = $user.msExchHomeServerName
if ($exserver -eq $null){$exserver = „“}
$dings = new-Object PSObject -Property @{
user = $email
homeserver = $exserver
right = $right
sam = $sam
name = $name}
$result += $dings
$result | Out-GridView
Must know Office 365 PowerShell commands – TechSultan
Many enterprise migrated to cloud services, especially for email management. Office 365 is one of them, maybe most popular Exchange online solution. If you migrated to Office 365, there is a little adminitrative panel which offer you minimal possibility.
Real administrative tasks are on PowerShell side, it’s hard to find commands and how to operate them, so here a list of must know Office 365 PowerShell commands :