Schlagwort-Archive: mail

Duplicate items in „sent“ for shared mailboxes

Now test these two things. When you are sending email as some non-problematic shared mailbox. Do you see an email in the Sent Item of the shared mailbox as well as in your Personal-Sent Items as well. What do you see if you send email from a problematic shared mailbox, do you still see the user(actual sender) copy. Run the Get-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration against the working shared mailboxes and let me know if the settings are same. Check if your Outlook is configured to be running in Cached Mode. If yes try switching to Online and see if still the issue re-occurs. Is DelegateSentItemsStyle registry key present or set with a value.Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\PreferencesName: DelegateSentItemsStyleAlso on the problematic shared mailbox, change the settings as below and let me know the results.

Set-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration "Customer Support Feedback" -SendAsItemsCopiedTo Sender

Quelle: Duplicate items in „sent“ for shared mailboxes

Used maildomain list

Report for all uses mail domains in Exchange mailbox address list with accepted domains and an example. Also helpful to find wrong entries 🙂

$acceptedDomains = $(Get-AcceptedDomain).DomainName
$aDomains = [String]::Join(„,@“,$acceptedDomains).Split(„,“)
$aDomains[0] = „@$($aDomains[0])“
$a = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty Name „@myinternaldomain.local“
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty Count 0
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty Primary 0
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty Firstentry „“
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty FirstPrimary „“
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty AcceptedDomain „1“
$domains += $a
$x = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited$y = $x.EmailAddresses | ?{$_ -like „*@*“}
foreach($z in $y){
$i = $z.IndexOf(„@“)
$d = $z.Substring($i).ToLower()
$isPrimary = $z.StartsWith(„SMTP:“)
$domains[$domains.Name.Indexof($d)].Count ++
$a = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $d
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty Count 1
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty Primary 0
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty Firstentry $z
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty FirstPrimary „“
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty AcceptedDomain „1“
$a | Add-Member Noteproperty AcceptedDomain „0“
$domains += $a
$domain = $domains[$domains.Name.Indexof($d)]
$domain.Primary ++
if($domain.FirstPrimary.Length -eq 0){$domain.FirstPrimary = $z}
$domains | Out-GridView