Refer to the following pieces on the Notes and Domino wiki: Cookbook: Setting up new Relying Party Trust for AD FS 2.0 Cookbook: Setting up ADFS for integrated Windows authentication (IWA) Cookbook: Setting up a new Federation on TFIM 2.0 Cookbook: Setting up a new federation on TFIM 1.1 Cookbook: Setting up a new partner on TFIM Setting up the SAML identity provider and federation (in iNotes administration) Encrypting SAML assertions Use Notes client accounts with federated login for access to externally-based services within the Notes client Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Notes Federated Login
Archiv für den Monat: Februar 2015
Daniel Nashed’s Blog
As reported before the IF that introduced TLS 1.0 is vulnerable to the new PODDLE issue.
DISABLE_SSLV3=1 will disable SSL V3 completely. But as mentioned before you should be completely sure if you want to completely disable SSL V3.
Security Bulletin: TLS Padding Vulnerability affects IBM Domino (CVE-2014-8730)
via Daniel Nashed’s Blog.