Archiv für den Monat: Januar 2015

Traveler Secondary Directory No Route / Not in Address Book Issue – Mindwatering Incorporated


Previous to Traveler Traveler would not encrypt mail when the SentTo name picked on an iOS device was an internet e-mail address (e.g.

In, IBM changed the behavior so that the router would change the e-mail address into a Notes Name. However, the name does NOT resolve back to an Internet Address if the mail system is Other Internet Mail (5) and is forwarded off. Depending on if there is a Domain document and a connection, the router instead says that it cannot find a route to the domain (if not one) or that the user is not in the Address Book (if there is one).


via Traveler Secondary Directory No Route / Not in Address Book Issue – Mindwatering Incorporated.

Niklas Heidloff: IBM previewed XPages Applications running on Bluemix

At ConnectED a new XPages runtime, a new Domino data service and a new XPages boilerplate were introduced. In order to fit into the Bluemix architecture, to benefit from features like scalability and to leverage other services, XPages applications that are hosted on Bluemix are split into two parts – application code and data. While this separation has been adopted as a best practice by most XPages applications already, the Bluemix architecture now requires it.

via Niklas Heidloff: IBM previewed XPages Applications running on Bluemix.

Aus der IT Praxis… Exchange and more: Exchange 2013: Kein Message Tracking Log Explorer mehr?

Ein Tool, welches leider im Exchange 2013 nicht mehr vorhanden ist, ist der „Message Tracking Log Explorer“. Neu soll das Message Tracking über die Weboberfläche gemacht werden.

Get-TransportService | Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Start (Get-Date).Date | select-object timestamp,eventid,source,messageid,sender,recipients,messagesubject,recipientstatus,serverhostname,clienthostname | Out-Gridview

Reihenfolge der Events für die Logausgabe ist wie folgt zu lesen (EventID zu Source):

  6. SEND – SMTP

Bei erfolgreicher Zustellung sollte folgendes zu finden sein:
Recipientstatus = 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK


via Aus der IT Praxis… Exchange and more: Exchange 2013: Kein Message Tracking Log Explorer mehr?.

Firmenplattform: Facebook startet Test von Facebook at Work –

Facebook treibt seine Pläne für den Einzug in den Büroalltag voran. Eine Plattform, auf der Unternehmen eigene interne Netzwerke aufbauen können, wird nun mit einigen Unternehmen getestet. Die App dafür komme in die Download-Plattformen, sagte Projektleiter Lars Rasmussen dem Technologieblog „TechCrunch“. „Facebook at work“ ähnelt äußerlich …..

via Firmenplattform: Facebook startet Test von Facebook at Work –

Das gibt es auch schon länger mit IBM Connections – bin schon gespannt, wie sich FB hier durchsetzt.

IBM Using QPTool changemember features with XML and QPTool execute – United States


What is the QPTool changemember command? What method can you use if you need to make a large number of changes?


The QPTool changemember command allows for the renaming of users and groups from one value into another. The name values are generally entered as command line arguments. It differs from the changehierarchy command in that the entire name can be changed and not just the hierarchical component (for example, OU=NA/O=IBM).

Example: load qptool changemember -p PlaceName -sourcedn „CN=External User,O=IBM“ -targetdn „CN=New External User,O=IBM“

This command renames the user in a place called PlaceName from CN=External User,O=IBM to CN=New External User,O=IBM.

The challenge is that to make a large number of changes requires the changemember function to be called potentially thousands of times. In this case it would be much easier to batch all user or group name changes at a place level and execute them using the qptool execute command.

The use of the changemember features are not documented in the QuickPlace Developer’s Guide like <person action=“add“>, <person action=“remove“>, and <person action=“update“>. However, there is another tag format of <person action=“rename“> used by changemember internally. This usage can be observed in the resulting qptool.changemember.xml file from running the qptool changemember command.

The following XML structure demonstrates a set of actions performed on a place called qp_innovation. In this example, several external users are renamed from one DN to another, a new user is added, and a user is removed. This example uses an XML file and the qptool execute command.

The actions are:

Add user: CN=newuser,ou=users,dc=corp,dc=ibm,dc=com as reader

Remove user: CN=Old User,OU=NA,O=IBM

Rename user: CN=Corp User,OU=NA,O=IBM to CN=corpuser,ou=users,dc=corp,dc=ibm,dc=com

Rename user: CN=Corp A User,OU=NA,O=IBM to CN=corpauser,ou=users,dc=corp,dc=ibm,dc=com

Rename user: CN=Corp B User,OU=NA,O=IBM to CN=corpbuser,ou=users,dc=corp,dc=ibm,dc=com

more… IBM Using QPTool changemember features with XML and QPTool execute – United States.

IBM Notes Traveler support for the latest device updates – United States

BlackBerry 10.x support:

Supported in Notes Traveler and later releases.

SmartCloud Notes Traveler supports BlackBerry and later devices.

Windows Phone 7.5, 7.8, 8.0 and 8.1 support:

Supported in Notes Traveler and later releases.

Not currently supported by SmartCloud Notes Traveler.

Windows RT Tablet and Windows 8 and 8.1 Pro Tablet support:

Supported in Notes Traveler and later releases.

Not currently supported by SmartCloud Notes Traveler.

Apple iOS 8. x support:

Supported in Notes Traveler 8.5.3 UP2 IF7, IF7, 9.0.1 IF6 and later releases.

Supported by Traveler Companion 9.0.8 and ToDo 9.0.8 and later applications.

See technote 1683614 for details.

Apple iOS 7. x support:

via IBM Notes Traveler support for the latest device updates – United States.