Update Send Connector SSL Certificate for Hybrid Configuration – The TexMX Record

Recently had a customer with an Exchange 2013 Hybrid config require updating an expired SSL certificate.  When they imported the new certificate and assigned it SMTP services, mail flow from on-premises to Office 365 stopped.

This was because the on-premises send connector to Office 365 was still configured to look for that expired certificate (which had also been deleted already).

The fix was to perform the following:

  1. Open Exchange Management Shell on the on-premises Exchange server
  2. Run Get-ExchangeCertificate, and note the Thumbprint of the correct certificate to be used.
  3. Run $cert = Get-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint <thumbprint>
  4. Set a new variable and assign it the concatenated values of the Issuer and Subject values of the certificate (must also include <I> and <S> before each field):
    $TLSCert = (‘<I>’+$cert.issuer+'<S>’+$cert.subject)
  5. Update the send connector with the new values
    Set-SendConnector -Identity “Send Connector Name” -TLSCertificateName $TLSCert

After completing this, any queued mail destined for the Office 365 tenant should begin flowing

Quelle: Update Send Connector SSL Certificate for Hybrid Configuration – The TexMX Record

Use shared mailbox mobile and other clients

Eine „shared mailbox“ aus Exchange 20XX bzw. Office365 kann nicht einfach auf mobilen Geräten (und anderen, die keinen eigenen Outlook Client installiert haben) genutzt werden. Dazu gibt es aber Lösungen

  1. IMAP-Konfig:
    E-Mail: xy@mydomain.com
    User: firstname.lastname@mydomain.com/xy
    PW: MyPassword
  2. Konto aktivieren
    Im Active Directory das Konto der „Shared Mailbox“ aktivieren und ein Kennwort festlegen. Dann kann das Postfach wie jedes andere am Client hinzugefügt werden.

have i been pwned? Test all users of your domain

Aus einem Powershell-Beispiel von „IT Pro blog“ weiterentwickelt

Import-Module „C:\adm\custom\BasicTools.psm1“
$Global:CheckURI = „https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/v2/breachedaccount“
$global:OutputPath = „C:\“
$global:results = @()
Function ValidateAddress($Emailaddress){
$Request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri „$global:CheckURI/$Emailaddress“
$Response = ConvertFrom-Json $Request
Return $Response
catch [exception]
Return $null
Function IsValidEMail($email){
    $EmailRegex = ‚^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$‘;
    return ($email -match $EmailRegex)
Function IsValidDomain($mailaddress){
$domain = $mailaddress.Substring($mailaddress.IndexOf(„@“)+1)
$obj = Get-AcceptedDomain -Identity $domain -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($obj -eq $null){
$result = $false
$result = $true

return $result
Function ConvertHaveibeenpwnedObject($obj,$mailaddress,$username){
Set-ToolsLogAddLine -LogTXT „Compromised account $username, $mailaddress“
$result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name username -Value $username
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name mailaddress -Value $mailaddress
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPAddedDate -Value $obj.AddedDate
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPBreachDate -Value $obj.BreachDate
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPDataClasses -Value ([system.String]::Join(„;“,$obj.DataClasses))
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPDescription -Value $obj.Description
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPDomain -Value $obj.Domain
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPIsSensitive -Value $obj.IsSensitive
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPIsVerified -Value $obj.IsVerified
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPLogoType -Value $obj.LogoType
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPName -Value $obj.Name
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPPwnCount -Value $obj.PwnCount
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HIBPTitle -Value $obj.Title
return $result
Function main{
Set-ToolsLogCreate -LogFilePath „C:\adm\custom\logs\“ -LogPrefix „CompromisedAccounts“
Remove-ToolsLog -olderThenDays 21
Set-ToolsLogAddLine -LogTXT „Collect accounts“

$users = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter „(mail=*)“ -Properties mail, proxyaddresses -ResultSetSize $null

$i = ($users).Count
Set-ToolsLogAddLine -LogTXT „Test $i accounts“
$i = 0
foreach($user in $users){
$i ++
if($i/100 -is [int]){Set-ToolsLogAddLine -LogTXT „$i accounts tested“}
$proxymail = „“
$usermail = „“
$usermail = $user.mail.ToLower()
$output = „“
if (IsValidEMail($usermail)){
if (isValidDomain($usermail)){
$obj = ValidateAddress($usermail)
if ($obj -ne $null){
$global:results += ConvertHaveibeenpwnedObject -obj $obj -mailaddress $usermail -username $user.SamAccountName
Foreach($proxyAddress in $user.proxyaddresses){
$proxymail = $proxyAddress.ToLower()
if ($proxymail.StartsWith(„smtp:“)){
$proxymail = $proxymail.Substring($proxymail.IndexOf(„smtp:“)+5)
if (IsValidEMail($proxymail)){
if ($proxymail -ne $usermail){
if (isValidDomain($proxymail)){
$obj = ValidateAddress($proxymail)
if ($obj -ne $null){
$global:results += ConvertHaveibeenpwnedObject -obj $obj -mailaddress $usermail -username $user.SamAccountName
Set-ToolsLogAddLine -LogTXT „Finish“ -foregroundcolor „green“ -backgroundcolor „darkgray“
$global:results | Export-csv „$global:OutputPath\CompromisedAccounts.csv“


Kalenderberechtigungen für eine Gruppe anzeigen

$groupmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Groupname
Foreach ($member in $groupmembers){
$user = get-aduser $member.samaccountname -Properties *
$sam = $member.samaccountname
$email = $user.EmailAddress
$name = $user.DisplayName
$right = Get-MailboxFolderPermission $email“:\Kalender“ -User Default -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select AccessRights
if ($right -eq $null){$right =  Get-MailboxFolderPermission $email“:\Calendar“ -User Default -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select AccessRights}
if ($right -eq $null){$right = „nix“}else{$right = $right.AccessRights[0]}
$exserver = $user.msExchHomeServerName
if ($exserver -eq $null){$exserver = „“}
$dings = new-Object PSObject -Property @{
user = $email
homeserver = $exserver
right = $right
sam = $sam
name = $name}
$result += $dings
$result | Out-GridView

Office 365 – Can’t sign in – Error 80041317 | Jack Stromberg

After a long conversation with Microsoft, the end result was somehow federation between Microsoft and our ADFS servers was severed. Here is how we fixed it.

Remote desktop to your ADFS server (not the proxy)

Open the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell as an administrator If you are old to ADFS, this was formerly called Microsoft Online Services Module

Execute the following command: Connect-MsolService Type in your Office 365 admin credentials. I highly recommend you use a cloud based user called youradmin@yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com in the case you cannot federate.

Execute the following command: Update-MsolFederatedDomain Type in the domain name you federate to office 365 (yourcompany.com). Successfully updated ‘yourdomain.com’ domain. message when done.

Execute the following command: convert-msoldomaintostandard -domainname mydomain.com -passwordfile pass.txt -skipuserconversion $true This command will break federation (essentially turn it off) to Office 365. This will not lose your mailboxes, settings, etc.

Execute the following command: Convert-MsolDomainToFederated This command will re-establish federation to Office 365

Execute the following command: Update-MsolFederatedDomain This command will update URLs or certificate information within AD FS and Office 365. Note: If you have multiple domain names being federated, please use the following command: Update-MSOLFederatedDomain -DomainName mydomain.com -supportmultipledomain

Next, I restarted my proxy server, reran the ADFS wizard to ensure the proxy could communicate to the primary ADFS server, and waited a minute or so.

At this point, authentication began to work properly again.

Quelle: Office 365 – Can’t sign in – Error 80041317 | Jack Stromberg

Enable QOS-Probes/-Service

Add this entries to enable qos service of ibm domino servers


