Connecting to Office 365/Exchange

…..a script with a set of functions to allow me connect to each individual Office 365 service or Exchange Online: Connect-AzureActiveDirectory: Connects to Azure Active Directory Connect-AzureRMS: Connects to Azure Rights Management Connect-ExchangeOnline: Connects to Exchange Online Connect-SkypeOnline: Connects to Skype for Business Online Connect-EOP: Connects to Exchange Online Protection Connect-ComplianceCenter: Connects to Compliance Center Connect-SharePointOnline: Connects to SharePoint Online Connect-MSTeams: Connects to Microsoft Teams Get-Office365Credentials: Gets Office 365 credentials Connect-ExchangeOnPremises: Connects to Exchange On-Premises Get-OnPremisesCredentials: Gets On-Premises credentials Get-ExchangeOnPremisesFQDN: Gets FQDN for Exchange On-Premises Get-Office365Tenant: Gets Office 365 tenant name (SharePoint) Set-Office365Environment: Configures Uri’s and region to use…..

Quelle: Connecting to Office 365/Exchange | EighTwOne (821)

Mailflow issue from Exchange On-Prem to Office 365 – Lalit Bisht Blogs

You are on Exchange Hybrid environment and sending emails to Office 365 via specific SendConnector which has TlsCertificateName attribute configured and EOP is doing certificate validation for Inbound SMTP connections.

You might see any of the following errors in the queue/Protocol Logs.
–> 454 4.7.5 The certificate specified in TlsCertificateName of the SendConnector could not be found.
–> TLS negotiation failed with error NoCredentials.
–> „421 4.4.1 Connection timed out.“ Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts

It may be because of the following issues:
–> You changed the third party SMTP certificate but didn’t update the TlsCertificateName attribute on the send connector.
–> Third party certificate is not assigned to the SMTP services.
–> Status of that third party certificate shows „INVALID“ or „RevocationCheckFailure“.

Please perform the following to resolve the issue.
–> Update the TLSCertificateName attribute on the Office 365 SendConnector.

$cert = Get-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint
$TLSCert = (‘<I>’+$cert.issuer+'<S>’+$cert.subject)
Set-SendConnector -Identity -TLSCertificateName $TLSCert
–>Make sure required certificate is assigned to the SMTP service and certificate Status shows VALID.

Quelle: Mailflow issue from Exchange On-Prem to Office 365 – Lalit Bisht Blogs

NotesIPass – KeePass-Plugin for IBM Notes

IBM Lotus Notes add-in to get passwords from KeePass.

Requires KeePassHttp. Implemented using KeePassHttpClient.


  1. Download NotesIPass.dll
  2. Put NotesIPass.dll to IBM Lotus Notes installation folder, usually C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\
  3. Add the following line to [Notes] section of your notes.ini


  1. Install KeePassHttp according instructions.

Request password screen


Excel „objekte verknüpfen und einbetten ist nicht möglich“

Fehlermeldung beim Starten von Excel: „objekte verknüpfen und einbetten ist nicht möglich“ dazu die Fehlermeldung im Eventviewer unter „Microsoft Office Alerts“ (OAlerts):
Event ID: 300
Data: „….100407…“

EN: cannot use object linking and embedding error

In meinem Fall hatte ein lokales Account zur Dokumentkonvertierung den Fehler hervorgerufen.

Die Lösung :

1: start->run and type ‚DCOMCNFG‘
2: Open ‚DCOM Config‘ and locate ‚Microsoft Excel Application‘
3: Set its identity to ‚The Launching User‘.

Windows change access permissions from the command line



  • /p : Set new permission
  • /e : Edit permission and kept old permission as it is i.e. edit ACL instead of replacing it.
  • {USERNAME} : Name of user
  • {PERMISSION} : Permission can be:
    • R – Read
    • W – Write
    • C – Change (write)
    • F – Full control

For example grant Rocky Full (F) control with following command (type at Windows command prompt):

C:> CACLS files /e /p rocky:f

Read complete help by typing following command:

C:> cacls /?

Quelle: Windows change access permissions from the command line

Konten im Active Directory entsperren oder aktivieren mit PowerShell | WindowsPro

Ein Tipp von meinem lieben Kollegen Rainer:

Search-ADAccount -LockedOut -UsersOnly -SearchBase „OU=IT,DC=contoso,DC=com“

Search-ADAccount -AccountExpired -UsersOnly

Search-ADAccount -AccountExpiring -TimeSpan „10“7

Unlock-ADAccount -Identity amueller

Set-ADAccountExpiration -DateTime 30.04.2017

Quelle: Konten im Active Directory entsperren oder aktivieren mit PowerShell | WindowsPro

IBM mail support for Microsoft Outlook

Welcome to IBM®mail support for Microsoft Outlook 2013. This solution provides you with Mail, Calendar, and Contacts capabilities that allow you to work with your IBM Notes®mail directly in your Microsoft Outlook interface.’s%20Guide%20(Now%20inclusive%20of%20User’s%20Guide).pdf

ADFS 2012 R2 now supports Password Change (not reset) across all devices – samueld

Enabling Change Password in ADFS

By default, this functionality is disabled in ADFS. Change password looks just like another endpoint in ADFS and all you need to do is enable the endpoint. You can use the MMC snapin to enable this.

You can also do this via PSH using the Set-AdfsEndpoint cmdlet.

Once enabled, users can always access the change password page via It would look like this

Quelle: ADFS 2012 R2 now supports Password Change (not reset) across all devices – samueld